Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Layla's 1st Cookie

There comes a time in every kid's life when they come to experience something so incredible, so amazing, so epically mind-blowing that their very existence will never be the same again. My friends that is, the chocolate... chip... cookie.

It's so beautiful...

We don't give my kid sweets. We figure if she doesn't know what it is, she won't miss it. I'm not saying that anyone who does is wrong. It's just simply something we have never done. Now, don't get it twisted. We let her indulge on occasion. If she's at a birthday party, have some cake! At the doctor? Sure, sweetie, take that lolly, you've had it rough today but as far as having candy or ice cream after dinner, we prefer to offer her yogurt, applesauce or fruit and she enjoys it just the same. However, a couple of weeks ago, after a doctor's appointment to check up on my little womb dweller, I decided to stop at a gas station to get myself a drink and passed by some individually wrapped chocolate chip cookies and thought, what the hell. I mean there's nothing wrong with a little treat every once in a while.  

"Where have you been hiding these?!"

Needless to say, she was into it but I'd also like to point out that briefly after her consumption of this delicious cookie, she proceeded to go bat-shit-stark-f***ing-crazy. Sort of went something like this...

It's hilarious to me now but at the time, I thought, "Great Odin's raven, what have I done?!" Michael and I were preparing to perform an exorcism but then decided that it'd probably be better to let it run it's course and she eventually fell victim to the inevitable sugar coma. KO'd! Made me happy to see her enjoy it... but maybe next time I'll break it in half... or something.

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