Saturday, October 26, 2013

Layla Raine (age 2 years, 6 months)

I have dark blonde, curly hair and blue/green eyes. My eyes change color in the sunlight.

Some new words I've learned are:

Delicious= Nee-nicious
Delicioso= Nee-nee-noso
Music= You-sic
Jonah= Donah 

Lady bug= Me-me bug
Butterfly= Obo-fwy
Awesome!= Ooh-some!
"May I have something to eat, please?"= Want snack, peese?

Things I can do are:
  • I can recite my ABC's. I recognize upper and lower case. I can identify them in and out of order. I love to point them out and show them to any one who will watch me.
  • I'm starting to speak in sentences. I love to talk. I will go on and on because I have a lot to say and it's important!
  • I can count to 12. I'm getting better at counting all the way to 20.
  • I can identify various animals by name and noise.
  • I can identify emotions (happy, sad, mad, surprised)
  • I can say color names. I'm working on identifying actual colors.

Some things I love to do are:
  • DANCE! I often ask my mommy to play "you-sic" so I can dance. I will dance to any song that comes on.
  • Sing
  • Read books
  • Draw
  • Brush my teeth
  • Bath time
  • Build blocks
  • Climb
  • Run
  • Give "kiss-kiss" and bear hugs to my mommy and daddy

Some of my favorite foods are:
  • Nutrigrain bars
  • Applesauce
  • Cookies
  • Any kind of pasta
  • Cheese sandwiches
  • Bananas
  • French fries/ tater tots
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Anything mommy and daddy are eating

I will try anything once. There isn't much I don't like but I'm not a fan of meat (besides chicken nuggets) or broccoli.
My favorite shows are:
  • Bubble Guppies
  • Peg + Cat
  • Sesame Street
  • Dora the Explorer
  • Yo Gabba Gabba
  • Barney
  • Super Why
Some of my favorite songs are:
  • Old MacDonald
  • Wheels on the Bus
  • Twinkle Twinkle
  • Anything from my favorite TV Shows

And I think the biggest change of all would be...

that I have a little brother. His name is Jonah and I love him.